Honey Testing at Food Forensics

Honey is reputed to be one of the most highly adulterated food substances and checking for origin is of vital importance. Using Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis and comparing against reference sample we can test for consistency with claimed origin. If required, this can be combined with pollen identification to cross validate origin.

Sugar adulteration (or C4 adulteration)

Adulteration with High Frusctose Corn Syrup (HFCS) or sugars is an increasing problem in honey. Using stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry we can detect if sugar / syrup has been added directly to the honey to dilute it or even if it has been fed to bees (rather than honey made from foraged nectar). We test to ensure C4 sugars are below the recognised permitted threshold.

Pollen analysis and forage type

We can detect the heather fingerprint in heather honey. In addition, we work with a pollen specialist to identify pollen in the honey which can be used to support origin or forage type claims. Another useful tool to have in detecting honey fraud which is a significant risk.

Pesticide, veterinary residues and heavy metals

Working in conjunction with partner laboratories, we can identify pesticide and veterinary residues in honey as well as testing for heavy metals in honey samples to complete the suite of honey testing capability.

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